The add_edges method creates an array of Edge objects from a sequence of points. addedges方法根据一系列的点创建一个Edge对象数组。
A Target Edge Detection Algorithm for Infrared Sequence Images 一种红外序列图像目标边缘检测方法
Target edge detection for image sequence is one of the important and difficult problems in digital image processing. 红外序列图像边缘检测是图像处理中的重点和难点之一。
In addition, the number of the edge droplets, finger droplets and the satellite droplets decreases in sequence at a certain spreading process. 另外,在同一铺展过程中,边缘液滴、指形液滴和卫星液滴三者的数量呈依次递减的关系。
It firstly extracts several target candidates through the preprocessing including median filtering, edge extraction, sea-sky line detection and morphological filtering of infrared sequence images. 通过对红外序列图像进行中值滤波、边缘提取、海天线检测和形态滤波等预处理,提取出若干个候选目标。
Characteristic of wing shape and changing of edge feature in sequence images were analyzed. Invariant of geometric relative position constraint based on topology transformation was proposed so false match could be discarded by region match. 分析了翅膀外形结构特点以及在序列图像中翅膀边缘特征的变化,提出了基于拓扑变换的几何相对位置不变的约束方法,对翅膀边缘特征进行分区域匹配去掉虚假匹配点;
By this way, the edge of background is removed and only the edge of the moving target is left in difference image sequence. 将差分图像中的背景杂波去掉,只剩下运动物体的边缘和高梯度区域,有利于目标的识别。
In the second chapter, we study higher order edge connectivity, and obtained ( a) except for three graphs, all infinite circulants with finite jump sequence are super-; 第二章中,我们研究高阶边连通度,得到了如下结果:(a)除了三个特殊图外,所有具有有限跃阶的无限循环图都是超边连通的;
In this paper, we use the occluding edge sequence at different view points to acquire the3D geometry relations of the responding points on the object surface. 本文利用不同视点下的遮挡边缘序列,获取它们所对应的表面点的三维几何关系。并结合局部阴影分析,对物体表面的非暴露区域进行深度(高度)计算。
We proposed a method on detection of moving object using a fusion algorithm based on segmentation of optical flow field and edge extracted by Canny ′ s operator in the image sequence acquired by a moving camera. 在摄像机运动的情况下,提出了一种基于光流场分割和Canny边缘算子融合技术的运动目标检测方法。
This paper introduces the main differences between the master-slaver mode J-K flip-flop and the edge J-K flip-flop from aspects of the concept, and sequence diagrams, etc., and analyzes on that under what kind of special working condition, the two flip-flops will have the identical function. 从概念到时序图等几个方面介绍了主从式J-K触发器与边沿式J-K触发器的主要区别,并分析了两者在何种特定的工作条件下,功能才会相同。
Finally, the VOPs are extracted from the edge image model sequence. 最后,利用边界图像模型从序列中提取出视频对象平面(VOP)。
Upon that an efficient thinning algorithm based on borderline ( ETAB) is proposed which treats with individual pixels point in each step and picks up unilateral edge points sequence as the framework of a character image. 算法每一步都针对单个的像素点作处理,并提取笔划单侧边缘点序列作为字符图像骨架。
To analyze this semantic structure, Hidden Markov Models representing highlights events and normal events are introduced. Four features, field ratio, face ratio, edge and motion intensity, are constructed to be the input of HMMs as observation sequence. 为了分析这种语义结构,建立了精彩事件和一般事件两种语义事件的多个隐马尔科夫模型(HMMs),并提出了场地比率、人脸比率、边缘、运动强度四种特征作为HMMs的观测值输入。
Adaptive Inhibition Method with Double Filtration to Detect Edge in IR Sequence Images 红外序列图像的双滤波侧抑制边缘检测算法
Tabei area was then still in a platform-slope environment, Upper and Middle Ordovician were relatively complete, lime-mud mound source rocks of platform edge facies were widely distributed, and karst reservoirs on the unconformable surface in the Middle Ordovician sequence of reef flat facies were well developed. 而塔北还处于台地-斜坡环境,中、上奥陶统较全,台缘相灰泥丘生油岩分布广,中奥陶统礁滩相层序不整合面岩溶储层发育。
This paper use effective character of the fire, for example, color information, instability and comparability of the edge of image sequence to realize the automatic alarming for fire. 本文利用火焰的颜色信息,火焰的图像序列的边缘不稳定和相似性等可识别特征,实现对火焰的识别。
In this paper, a method is introduced for object surface reconstruction based extreme edges and other visual clues, using the extreme edge sequence from different view point, we acquired the 3D coordination of corresponding points. 介绍了一种从遮挡边缘和其它视觉信息恢复表面形状的方法,利用不同视点下的遮挡边缘序列,获取了它们所对应的表面点的三维几何坐标。
The image reorganization was realized through image snap card, image enhancement, noise reduction, edge enhancement, HSI model and image recognition which based on target research of sequence grid and seed fill method. 其图像识别通过图像采集卡、图像增强、去噪处理、边缘增强技术,HIS模型,及基于连续图像相关性的顺序网格和种子填充相结合的目标搜索方法实现。
Besides, weights to control the optimization of newly created triangles during simplification are introduced into cost function for edge collapse, and the way to determine sequence of edge collapse is improved. 同时,在边折叠的代价函数中考虑新生成三角形的空间形状优化,并改善了简化序列的构造。
Image enhancing, image graying, halation removing, Canny edge detection, mathematical morphology dilation, edge smoothing, mathematical morphological reconstruction are implemented according to the set sequence. 依次为图象增强、灰度化、消除光晕、Canny边缘检测、数学形态学膨胀、区域填充、平滑边缘、形态学重建。
At the surface, the sublacustrine fan is distributed on the outer edge of the delta regime, and the sedimentary evolutionary sequence is in upward succession from sublacustrine fan through distal end of delta front to proximal end of delta front. 平面上湖底扇位于三角洲体系的外侧,垂向上由下至上发育着从湖底扇三角洲前缘远端三角洲前缘近端的沉积演化序列。
The main manifestation of LDH in X-ray plain films is stenosis of intervertebral space, changes of edge of vertebra and physiological curvature and sequence, etc. LDH的主要X线平片表现有椎间隙狭窄、椎体缘改变、生理曲度及序列改变等。
As the main reservoir, platform edge Oolite beach facies is widely distributed in the high stand of Sequence ⅰ, and in the sequences ⅱ and ⅲ. 作为主力储集类型的台地边缘鲕滩相发育于第Ⅰ个层序的高位期及第Ⅱ、Ⅲ层序中。
The newly discovered Karamay ophiolitic m é lange distributed along the NW edge of the Junggar basin has a complete sequence of ophiolite and accretionary complex. 新发现的克拉玛依蛇绿混杂岩带分布于准噶尔盆地西北缘,表现为组分齐全的蛇绿岩和增生杂岩。
As the ordinary edge detection algorithm is very sensitive to exposure, the median binary method is used to extract images 'edge information; then a pyramid sequence of binary image is constructed to improve the aligning speed. 针对普通边缘检测算法对曝光量较为敏感的情况,本文采用中值二值化方法来提取图像的边缘信息;并利用二值图像的金字塔序列,来提高配准速度。
Then, introduced three kind of image segmentation algorithms that used in the movement object detection: image segmentation based on edge detection, mobile object image segmentation based on image sequence, light flow field image segmentation algorithm. 介绍了运动目标检测中用到的三种图像分割算法:基于边缘检测的图像分割、基于图像序列的运动物体图像分割、光流场分割法。
According to the process of gesture state transferring, velocity edge detector is proposed to the spot gesture. A sequence of discrete trajectory points representing a hand gesture is obtained by tracking the hand motion in the image plane. 根据动态手势的运动特性,提出了速率边沿检测算法来分割手势的起止过程,通过跟踪图像平面内的手势运动,得到表征手势的一系列离散轨迹点。
According to this model, disassembly sequence planning problem is transformed into a problem of deciding the node and directed edge in the weighted blocking graph model. It can provide good base for the solution of feasible disassembly sequence. 通过该模型,论文将拆卸序列规划问题转化为对图模型中节点和有向边的判断,为求解可行拆卸序列打下了良好基础。
Local jet, edge geometry and distance sequence restriction are used to improve the computation efficiency. 并利用Localjet、边缘及距离约束,提高计算效率。